Postdoctoral Research Fellow,
Deptt. of IE, Faculty of Engg., Tel-Aviv University, Israel
Lab website:
Laboratory of Remote Sensing and GIS, Tel-Aviv University, Israel
Lab website:
Assistant Professor
Computer Science and Engineering Department
Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology, Patiala-147004
Director and Founder of Thinkwave Technologies LLP
Contact Me
Invitations as Expert
Resource Person in Inaugural Session for Robotic Arm 3-day Hands-on Workshop on “Innovation in Motion: Robotic Arm Technology” organised by Department of CSE/IT, Jaypee University of Information Technology (JUIT), Solan, Himachal Pradesh on 18th to 20th March 2024.
Delivered a Expert Talk on “Think Out of Box and Patent filing process” in Six week Summer School on Machine Learning & Optimization-2018 at Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology,Patiala.
Smart India Hackathon2020(SIH2020) on 1st, 2nd and 3rd August, 2020.
Invited as a Judge for being part of SIH2020 Finale in problem statement ID (PSID) DK287 i.e. Mobile game for Alzheimer’s Disease detection’s info. given by Yamaha Motor Solution India Pvt. Ltd. organised by AICTE and MHRD.
PEC, Chandigarh on 5th May 2018.
Agenda: Invitation for participating in Workshop on PG Curriculum Design & Development by Department of Electrical Engineering.
Designed the Course of Machine Learning.
PEC, Chandigarh on 21st May 2018.
Agenda: Invited in Workshop on PG Curriculum Development and Design in Intelligent Renewable Energy Systems.
Introduced and Designed the Course of AI and introduced the new course i.e. Data Analytics with sensors of 1 credit.
Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology, Dera Bassi Campus in Aug, 2018.
Agenda: Invited as a motivational speaker and delivered talk on “Think Out of the Box”.
SSM College of Engineering and Technology, Kashmir on 26-28 March, 2018.
Agenda: Invited as a resource person for 3 day workshop on Machine Learning and Optimization using R and Python.
ICICC collaboration with Shaheed Sukhdev College of Business Studies, University of Delhi during 15-20th July, 2019 .
Agenda: Delivered a Expert Talk on “Introduction to Machine Learning, how to add novelties to file patent, introduction to R, Rattle, Implementation of ML model on various datasets, Basics of Neural Networks” in Faculty development programme on ‘Machine Learning with Data Analytics’.
Delivered a Expert Talk on “Think Out of Box and Patent filing process” in Six week Summer School on Machine Learning & Optimization-2018 at Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology,Patiala.
GLA University, Mathura, September, 8, 2020
Agenda: Delivered a Expert Talk on “IPR and Patent filing process” in Faculty development programme at GLA University, Mathura.
Center for Innovation and Bio-Design (CIBioD), PGIMER, Chandigarh:- April 10, 2021
Short Term Attachment In “INNOVATION AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN HEALTHCARE”, Topic : Machine Learning in Healthcare