Postdoctoral Research Fellow,
Deptt. of IE, Faculty of Engg., Tel-Aviv University, Israel
Lab website: toch.tau.ac.il/people/
Laboratory of Remote Sensing and GIS, Tel-Aviv University, Israel
Lab website: tau-rsl.com
Assistant Professor
Computer Science and Engineering Department
Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology, Patiala-147004
Link:- https://www.hpsingh.info/
Director and Founder of Thinkwave Technologies LLP
Link:- thinkwavetechnologies.com/
Contact Me
UNIT I : Learn Python
1. Download & Install Anaconda for Python
Anaconda (Highly Recommended) → Click here to download
Default Editor → Spyder
To start python idle → Open "Anaconda Prompt" and write "idle"
2. Learn Basics of Python in 2 hr
It contains 16 basic programs in python that help to understand the syntax, loops, conditional checking, data structures, file handling in python.
3. Scipy, NumPy, Matplotlib
Specialized libraries for python for various operations such as interpolation, optimization, linear algebra, signal processing, Fourier transformation, etc
Special Matrices (Must Try)
4. Basic plotting and visualization using Python
Specialized libraries for python for various operations such as interpolation, optimization, linear algebra, signal processing, Fourier transformation, etc.
5. Basic of Pandas
Pandas is a high-level data manipulation tool developed by Wes McKinney. It is built on the Numpy package and its key data structure is called the DataFrame. DataFrames allow you to store and manipulate tabular data in rows of observations and columns of variables.
6. Python packages for research
For research on Scientific/Engineering problems such as AI, Bioinformatics, Chemistry, Electronics Design, GIS, Human Machine Interface, Image Recognition, NPL, etc.
UNIT II : Python for Machine Learning, Optimization & Multi-threading
1. Machine Learning using Python
2. Python Code for Optimization
Genetic Algorithm, PSO and DE code in python.
Click Here to download
3. Multi-threading using Python
Convert 100 text files to upper case using multi-threading.
Click Here to download
​4. Graph Theory using Python
​Algorithm and Problems
Graph Tools → Click Here | Tutorial
iGraph → Click Here | Tutorial
NetworkX → Click Here | Tutorial
UNIT III : Learn R
1. Download & Install R and R-Studio
R → Click Here to download
RStudio → Click Here to download
2. Learn Basics of R in 2 hr
It contains 17 basic programs in R that help to understand the syntax, loops, conditional checking, file handling and basic plotting.
Click Here to download.
3. Basic plotting and visualization using R
Specialized libraries for python for various operations such as interpolation, optimization, linear algebra, signal processing, Fourier transformation, etc
4. [Book] R for Everyone - Advanced Analytics and Graphics
Specialized libraries for python for various operations such as interpolation, optimization, linear algebra, signal processing, Fourier transformation, etc
5. R For Computer Networks
Those who are interested in Computer Networks (Security, Modelling, Analysis, Simulation, and many more). Kindly explore the following books.
6. R Packages for research
For research on Scientific/Engineering problems such as AI, Bioinformatics, Chemistry, Electronics Design, GIS, Human Machine Interface, Image Recognition, NPL, etc.
UNIT IV : R for Machine Learning
1. Books
Books on R, Python, Machine Click Here to explore Leaning, Big Data Analytics.
01 - The Machine Learning - Starter Kit
02 - Data Mining with Rattle and R
03 - Elements of Statistical Learning- data mining, inference and prediction
04 - An Introduction to Statistical Learning with Applications in R
05 - Applied Predictive Modeling
07 - R for Everyone Advanced Analytics and Graphics
08 - Reproducible Research with R and RStudio
Explore "Others Books on Machine Learning"
Explore "Books-Maths-Linear Lagebra-Probalility"
Explore "Books-Softcomputing"
2. Sample Datset
It contains Data set for Machine Learning practical.
Click Here to download
3. Machine Learning Models Code in R
Machine Learning Models using R Coding + Hands on R programming.
Click Here to download
4. Machine Learning Models in R
Click Here to explore
5. Rattle Videos
Videos on Rattle, R Studio, Create R Package
Click Here to explore
UNIT V : Important Resources for Machine Learning
1. Machine Learning MOOCs on Coursera.org
Recommeded courses from University of Washington.
2. Expert Talks (Videos) on Big Data
Learn Big Data Analytics using Top YouTube Videos, TED Talks & other resources
Click Here to explore
3. The Talking Machines
Discussion on latest topics on Machine learning people from Academics / Industry.
Click Here to explore
4. Blog @ Machine Learning Mastery.
Great Blogs.
Click Here to explore
5. Data Set for Machine Learning
Link1: Quora
Link2: Google DataSet toolbox
Link3: Sample Dataset
6. Machine Learning Competitions (Crowd Analytics)
Helpful in selecting research topics.
7. Join Mailing Group
8. Mathematics for Machine Learning
Special Matrices(Must Try)
Workshop on R. Click Here
Introduction to linear algebra with R. Click Here
Skills Required for Machine Learning jobs. Click Here
How to improve maths skills? Click Here
Self Evaluation in maths for machine learning. Click Here
[Book] Linear Lagebra & Probalility. Click Here
UNIT VI: Gold Mine for Researchers (Free Books, Papers, Thesis)
1. For Research Papers
Search using DOI (Digital Object Identifier).
Example (Search for): 10.1016/j.bbapap.2014.07.010
Search using title
Example (Search for): "Quality assessment of modeled protein structure using physicochemical properties"
2. For Books
3. For Thesis
Most Important ............
“Dedicated people never need a path, they make their own ways to reach the destiny.”
"Mathematics is the queen of all the sciences" - Anonymous
Whenever you have time, solve/explore maths problems, solve/explore graph problems, do maths using R/Python/Matlab/Octave, explore competitions, explore dataset.
"Great minds discuss ideas, Average minds discuss events, Small minds discuss people"