Postdoctoral Research Fellow,
Deptt. of IE, Faculty of Engg., Tel-Aviv University, Israel
Lab website: toch.tau.ac.il/people/
Laboratory of Remote Sensing and GIS, Tel-Aviv University, Israel
Lab website: tau-rsl.com
Assistant Professor
Computer Science and Engineering Department
Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology, Patiala-147004
Link:- https://www.hpsingh.info/
Director and Founder of Thinkwave Technologies LLP
Link:- thinkwavetechnologies.com/
Contact Me
07/08/2020 - Present
Assistant Professor in CSE department
Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology , Patiala
22/07/2014 – 04/08/2017
Assistant Professor in CSE department
Chandigarh University, Mohali
25/07/2012 – 28/05/2014
Teaching Assistantship (TEQIP, World Bank sponsored)
Chandigarh Group of Colleges, Landran
Worked as a teaching assistantship in Chandigarh Group of Colleges, Mohali on Scholarship selected under TEQIP (Technical Education Quality Improvement Programme) sponsored by World Bank.
Alibaba Cloud Most Valuable Professional (MVP):- MVP is an award given to the technical leaders in the community for their contributions towards helping others understand and adopt Alibaba Cloud technologies. Obliged to be recognized as AlibabaCloud MVP ( Most Valuable Professional) in 11th Batch of Alibaba Cloud MVPs announced on Jan 8, 2020.
First wearable belt:- One of my patents (Innovation) QueenBelt along with my student Javtesh Singh was published and Broadcasted by ANI recently. Afterwards, this news was aired by some other prominent news channels like IndiaToday, HT, Zee ,TOI, Business Standard, IndiaTv, India(.com), msn(.com) and other news agencies. It is World's first wearable belt with automatic Rape detection and prevention mechanism. The project was selected by AICTE as Top 10 projects from India for CIAP (Canada- India acceleration program) in Ottawa , Canada and is now in early testing stages.
Nodal Officer at Smart India Hackathon-2019:- Nodal Officer and SPOC of Smart India Hackathon-2019 at Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology(TIET), Patiala in which 5 teams have won cash prizes and trophies in their respective categories. 4 Teams won 1st Prize and 1 team stood 2nd making the total prize money of 4.00 Lakhs in this mega event.
Nodal Officer at Smart India Hackathon-2020:- Nodal Officer and SPOC of Smart India Hackathon-2020 at Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology(TIET), Patiala. Organized Smart India Internal Hackathon with participation of 50 teams from Software category and Hardware category. 5 teams from software and 2 teams from hardware category are recommended for the national level.
Coordinator of United Nations Hult Prize OnCampus Program, TIET :- Organized United Nations Hult Prize, (also known as the Nobel Prize for Students) at TIET, Patiala. Hult Prize is world’s largest startup competition for students with a unique omnipresence presence in over 2000 college and university campuses in 121 countries. It is formed in collaboration with the United Nation and President Bill Clinton. The winner of the prestigious one of its kind Hult Prize gets a reward of 1 Million USD as initial seed funding for their startup which is awarded by the affluent Hult family. The Hult Prize is aimed at startups for profit, social good startups. Topic for the Hult Prize each year is a social cause that is decided by President Bill Clinton.
Coordinator of offline-Experiential Learning Centre-TIET :- Responsible for giving hands on experience and implementation of open ended projects relevant to Robotics Arm for 750 students in 2019 and 1200 students in 2020.
Coordinator of online-Experiential Learning Centre-TIET :- Responsible for giving experience in simulation environment and implementation of open ended projects relevant to DIY* with Arduino-Every Engineer’s First Project for 1156 students in 2021.
Training and Internship coordinator-TIET:- Conducted the various Internship drives for B.E., M.E, and MCA students and placed as a intern (Stipend based) over approx. 500 students at Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology,Patiala.
Thapar six week summer school coordinator-TIET:- Conducted the Thapar Six Week Summer School on Machine Learning & Deep Learning using Python and R in 2018 as a co – coordinator and as a coordinator in 2019.
Startup Idea- Queen Belt got shortlisted among top 10 female lead tech startups as finalist from all over India for the Canada-India Acceleration Program (CIAP-2018) which is formulated as part of MoU signed between AICTE and Carleton University to support and promote international collaborations between India and Canada, while designing collaborative programs in the area of start-up and innovation development in technical institutes and higher education in India.
Six week Summer School Coordinator:- Conducted the Six week Summer School on Machine Learning & Optimization-2018 at Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology, Patiala.
Started PhD (Part time) in CSED from Thapar University, Patiala-27/12/2015.
Teaching Data Structures, OOP and Operating system to students.( Methodology : PPT and chalk- Board based teaching, Used role play and analogies for better understanding).
UIMS Coordinator-Chandigarh University- University Information Management System (UIMS) In-charge: managing the load share and attendance of whole department with university portal system. Allocating subjects online to the faculty on UIMS.
FOSS Organizer-Chandigarh University:- Organized and conducted the FOSS online exam remotely under Talk To A Teacher project offered by the Spoken Tutorial Project, IIT Bombay, funded by National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD, Govt., of India and generated 150 certifications of students in different programming modules.
University Information Management System (UIMS) In-charge: managing the load share and attendance of whole department with university portal system.