Postdoctoral Research Fellow,
Deptt. of IE, Faculty of Engg., Tel-Aviv University, Israel
Lab website: toch.tau.ac.il/people/
Laboratory of Remote Sensing and GIS, Tel-Aviv University, Israel
Lab website: tau-rsl.com
Assistant Professor
Computer Science and Engineering Department
Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology, Patiala-147004
Link:- https://www.hpsingh.info/
Director and Founder of Thinkwave Technologies LLP
Link:- thinkwavetechnologies.com/
Contact Me
H Singh(Corresponding author), PS Rana, and U Singh. "Prediction of drug synergy in cancer using ensemble-based machine learning techniques." Modern Physics Letters B 32.11 (2018): 1850132 (IF—1.9).
H Singh(Corresponding author), PS Rana, and U Singh. "Prediction of drug synergy score using ensemble based differential evolution." IET Systems Biology 13.1 (2019): 24-29 (IF— 1.62) .
D Singh, M Kaur, and H Singh. "Remote sensing image fusion using fuzzy logic and gyrator transform." Remote sensing letters 9.10 (2018): 942-951 (IF— 2.583).
N Verma, H Singh, D Khanna, PS Rana and SK Bhadada. "Classification of Drug Molecules for Oxidative Stress Signaling Pathway." IET Systems Biology (2019) 13(5), pp.243-250. (IF — 1.62).
R Magoo, H Singh (Corresponding author), N Jindal, N Hooda, PS Rana “Deep learning based bird-eye view social distancing monitoring using surveillance video for curbing the COVID-19 spread” Neural Computing and Applications (2021), 33(22), pp.15807-15814.: 1-8. (IF-5.606)
A Rana, H Singh (Corresponding author), R Mavuduru, S Pattanaik, and PS Rana, Quantifying prognosis severity of COVID-19 patients from deep learning based analysis of CT chest images. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 81.13 (2022), 18129-18153. (IF-2.757).
D Khanna, N Jindal, H Singh, PS Rana. “Applications and Challenges in Healthcare Big Data: A Strategic Review" Current medical imaging. (IF-.858).
Vibhuti, Neeru Jindal, H Singh and PS Rana. “Face mask detection in COVID-19: a strategic review” Multimedia Tools and Applications (2022): 1-30. (IF-2.757).
Naman Tuli, S Raikwar, H Singh, PS Rana, M D Alahmadi, Structure Preserving Loss Function for Single Image Super Resolution, Displays Journal, Elsevier (IF-3.3).
Kuthiala, Avik, Naman Tuli, Harpreet Singh, Omer F. Boyraz, Neeru Jindal, Ravimohan Mavuduru, Smita Pattanaik, and Prashant Singh Rana. "U-DAVIS-Deep Learning Based Arm Venous Image Segmentation Technique for Venipuncture." Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience 2022 (2022) (IF-3.6).
H Kaur, N Hooda, and H Singh. "k-anonymization of social network data using Neural Network and SVM: K-NeuroSVM." Journal of Information Security and Applications 72 (2023): 103382 (IF-4.96).
H Singh(Corresponding author), PS Rana, and U Singh. Evolutionary based Drug Synergy Prediction Using Adaptive Levy based Neural Network Structure. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2023 - Accepted. (IF-2.757).
A Tanwar, W Alghamdi, M.D. Alahmadi, H Singh, and PS Rana, A Fuzzy-Based Fast Feature Selection Using Divide and Conquer Technique in Huge Dimension Dataset. Mathematics. 2023 Feb 11;11(4):920. (IF-2.592).
H Singh, N Halder, B Singh, J Singh, S Sharma, and YS Diamand. "Smart Farming Revolution: Portable and Real-Time Soil Nitrogen and Phosphorus Monitoring for Sustainable Agriculture." Sensors 23, no. 13 (2023): 5914.[IF-3.847]
D Khanna, N Jindal, PS Rana, and H Singh. "Enhanced spatio-temporal 3D CNN for facial expression classification in videos." Multimedia Tools and Applications (2023): 1-18 (IF-2.757).
Chauhan, Sourabh, and Harpreet Singh. "Adaptive Brain Tumor Recognition Model using the Hybrid Tumor Recognition Approach." Indian Journal of Science and Technology 9.S1 (2016).
Thakur, Pooja, Mandeep Singh, Harpreet Singh, and Prashant Singh Rana. "An allotment of H1B work visa in USA using machine learning." International Journal of Engineering & Technology 7, no. 2.27 (2018): 93-103.
“A Case Study on CPE (Communication Protocol Error) Alarm in Nokia DXC” got published in “International Conference on Innovative Research in Engineering and Science (IRES 2017)”, THAILAND.
“AUTONOMOUS TAGGING OF STACKOVERFLOW QUESTIONS USING STATISTICAL METHODS” has been accepted in International Conference on Computer Science, Industrial Electronics(ICCSIE).
Ritesh Bhatt, Chinmaya Garg, Harpreet Singh, Neeraj Kumar and Joel J. P. C. Rodrigues, “CARaM: COORDINATED ADAPTIVE REPLICA MANAGEMENT FOR CHARGING STATION” has been accepted in Conference: 53rd IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Shanghai, China(February 2019) and published in IEEE Xplore(ICC 2019 - 2019 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC)).
Taranveer Singh, Alakh Singh Sethi, Harpreet Singh, Prashant Singh Rana, Neeraj Kumar, Mohammad S. Obaidatitesh, “Two-Tier Ensemble Model for Demand Side Prediction in Smart Grid Environment” has been accepted in IEEE Global Communications Conference: Signal Processing for Communications, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA (July, 2019) and published in IEEE Xplore(2019 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM)).
Pranav Pratap Singh, Rahul Kaushik, Harpreet Singh, Neeraj Kumar, Prashant Singh Rana, “Convolutional Neural Networks based Plant Leaf Diseases Detection Scheme” has been accepted in IEEE Global Communications Conference: The Advances of the Internet of Things and Cloud for Smart Connected Living, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA (July, 2019) and published in IEEE Xplore(2019 IEEE Globecom Workshops (GC Wkshps)).
Shubham Arora, Siddharth Goel, Prateek Chhikara, Harpreet Singh, Neeraj Kumar and Prashant Singh Rana, “An Optimal Path Planning Scheme for Wireless Charging of Electric Vehicles” has been accepted in IEEE Global Communications Conference: Research Advancements in Future Networking Technologies, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA (July, 2019) and published in IEEE Xplore(2019 IEEE Globecom Workshops (GC Wkshps)).
Yash Sukhwani, Harpreet Singh and Prashant Singh Rana, “Two-Tier Ensemble Model for Classification” has been accepted in Conference: 4th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCEMENT IN ENGINEERING, APPLIED SCIENCE AND MANAGEMENT (ICAEASM 2018) organized by Conference Info in association with Academic Science at Indian Council of Social Science Research , North West Regional Center , Punjab University Campus Chandigarh, India on 1st July 2018.
Rudra Chandra Gupta, Parth Rohilla, Harpreet Singh, Neeraj Kumar and Prashant Singh Rana, “Automated Music Genre Classification of Audio Signals using Ensemble Technique" in ICMLDS 2018, at Mahindra Ecole Centrale, Hyderabad.
Ranu Singh, Kushagra Sharma, Harpreet Singh, Neeraj Kumar, Joel J. P. C. Rodrigues, “e-TripManager: An Efficient Framework for Demand Response Management using EV Mobility in Smart Grid” has been accepted in IEEE ICC 2020, Dublin, Ireland (June, 2020).
ICCIS 2020: - Session has been chaired in RTU TEQIP-III Sponsored 2nd International Conference on Communication and Intelligent Systems in Session TS07: Intelligent Data Analytics and Computing.
“MACHINE LEARNING FOUNDATIONS: A Case Study Approach” by University of Washington on Coursera. Certificate earned on May7, 2016.
Verma, Mukul, Muskan Dawar, Prashant Singh Rana, Neeru Jindal, and Harpreet Singh. "An OpenSim guided tour in machine learning for e-health applications." In Intelligent Data Security Solutions for e-Health Applications, pp. 57-75. Academic Press, 2020.